Yes! We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items.
Some items that we are currently in need of are:
Spaghetti Sauce
Almond & Sun Butter
Dried Fruit
French Style Green Beans
Baked Beans
Brown Sugar
Soups (any type)
Powdered Sugar
Instant Coffee
Coffee & K-Cups
Cereal – Kid Friendly
Brown, Basmati, & Jasmine Rice
Canned Potatoes
Salad Dressing
Baking or Pancake Mix
Pasta & Rice Side Dishes
Baking Soda
Mayo & Miracle Whip
Baking Powder
Flavored Instant Oatmeal
Chocolate & Baking Chips
Brownie & Cake Mixes
Instant Pudding Mix
Tampons & Pads
Dog and Cat Food
Cat Litter
Please check the expiration dates on items you donate. We cannot re-distribute canned items older than 12 months from their expiration date or dry goods more than 6 months from their expiration date.
We appreciate your support during this time.
Monetary donations are always welcomed as they allow us to purchase the specific food items we are in need of.
Food Donation Notes:
We are continually looking to increase the nutrition of the foods we provide, so please think of that when contributing to a food drive. Also, please check the expiration dates on items you donate. We cannot re-distribute canned items older than 12 months from their expiration date or dry goods more than 6 months from their expiration date.
We cannot except home canned good or food items that do not display their ingredients.
You may also donate money directly to the food shelf. We generally order basic staples from local food banks which supply us on a less-than-wholesale cost level. This allows us to fill any gaps for a significantly lower cost. Please visit our "How to Donate" page to see how you can donate to us directly.
Donation Hours:
Monday -Thursday: 10 am-1 pm
or during distribution hours
Monday: 5:30-7:00 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - Noon
Wednesday 2-4 pm
Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm
Please do not leave food donation outside as this is not safe and attracts wildlife.
Please call if you have questions about your food donation or are having a food drive to set up a time to deliver.